Support for cybercrime, government slavery makes it difficult to store important data in digital format

Despite being one of the earlier domain investors , the domain investor does not store any financial data in digital format because of the widespread cybercrime which is supported by government agencies, largest tech and internet companies. Those who delete and steal data are rewarded with government jobs for making fake claims of online income,online investment especially domain ownership with goan fraud siddhi mandrekar allegedly rewarded with a R&AW job for corporate espionage. Similar bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,2005 bbm, wife of tata power employee guruprasad is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, yet allegedly gets a monthly raw salary for stealing data and making fake claims

Government corruption allegedly led to the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban

Though the United States invested a huge amount of money in Afghanistan, especially on their army, supplying expensive weapons, the Taliban was able to take over most of the country quickly.
According to media reports, Government corruption allegedly led to the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. The reports claim that the Afghan army was extremely corrupt, and the soldiers were often not paid their salaries due to corrupt officers according to the indian ambassador MK Bhadrakumar in So instead of fighting the taliban,putting their life in danger, the soldiers disappeared.
Though the mainstream media does not carry the news , indian security agencies are equally corrupt or even worse, making fake allegations of security threat without any proof at all against innocent, harmless citizens especially professionals from the poorest communities, without any legally valid proof, to criminally defame them, cheat, exploit, rob, torture them for the rest of their life
Like the mainstream media does not carry news of Afghan army corruption, it has also refused to cover news of indian security agency corruption. However victims of the government corruption, who losing a huge amount annually because of government slavery, criminal defamation of bribe taking liar security agencies making fake claims of domain ownership, will continue to complain, so that people worldwide are aware of the harsh reality of living in india.

Other indians agree that R&AW/cbi employees are “very greedy for money”

The domain investor has been mainly complaining because the indian government, tech and internet companies are CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING her to the maximum extent possible to make high status frauds extremely rich and powerful, getting them raw/cbi jobs faking bank account, domain ownership, resume since 2010, after criminally defaming her
These google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker amita patel are being extensively promoted by google, tata as being role models, very honest, when actually are extremely shameless greedy frauds
The intelligence and security agencies are dismissing all the complaints of the domain investor, a single woman engineer who they have CHEATED, EXPLOITED as spam, questioning her mental health, when others are also having the same opinion of the extremely greedy google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees
For example in a review of google, tata’s favorite domain fraudster greedy gujju stock broker amita patel who is being marketed as a philanthropist, on Quora, Abhishek G who spent money on the course, commented that she is’very greedy for money’
This is true of all the 15 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees like tata power employee nayanshree, riddhi nayak caro, naina chand, indore robber deepika, sunaina chodan, ruchika kinge who not spending any money on domains, are falsely claiming to own the domains including this one, bank account of the domain investor, they are all “very greedy for money”
Google reviews of amita patel also confirm that she is ‘very greedy for money’ she will cheat people if she feels that she can get away with it
If other raw/cbi employees were selling any product or service like amita patel, the domain investor is confident that they will also get similar reviews, since they are always cheating, exploiting others

ntro, raw, cbi employees are falsely claiming that the bank account, websites of a single woman they HATE belong to the goan call girl sugar babies

In a major CORRUPTION racket ntro, raw, cbi employees are falsely claiming that the bank account, websites of a single woman they HATE belong to the goan call girl sugar babies
In one of biggest SEX, BRIBERY RACKETS, CORRUPTION of google, tata, indian internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi employees are falsely claiming that the bank account, websites of a single woman they HATE belong to the goan call girl sugar babies goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other girlfriends, associates who do not spend any money on domains, do spend any time, to get the sugar babies and other fraud associates, great powers and monthly government salary
It is a very convenient racket for the fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees they are destroying the life of the single woman they HATE, and also rewarding their real girlfriends without spending their own money and time

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Hindu single women writers treated worse than muslim writers in India by the government

Indicating the worsening condition of educated women in India, the indian government is openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD on older hindu single women writers (iwriter account 137870) , refusing to acknowledge the writing work they do daily, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING them especially in panaji,goa. In contrast, muslim writers like tabrez (111074) in india are treated far better, the state and indian government are not openly committing fraud on them.

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With goa, karnataka government supporting slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan in her COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, domain investor finds it difficult to get justice

Indian government should formulate a different policy for stateless indian citizens like the the goa 1989 jee topper, CHEATED, EXPLOITED by multiple state intelligence agencies
Though it can be legally proved that the the goa 1989 jee topper alone is doing all the computer work, and goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, is not doing any computer work at all, the CORRUPT LIAR, goa,karnataka

intelligence agencies are supporting GREEDY LIAR goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, asmita patel who is not doing any computer work, in her computer work, paypal fraud making FAKE CLAIMS since 2010 because she is well connected, has powerful lovers and is supported by google, tata in her computer work fraud.
Hence the goa 1989 jee topper, originally from karwar/kumtaa wants her to be classified as a stateless person since no intelligence agency in any indian state is willing to treat her fairly, acknowledge the fact that she alone is doing the computer work, alone investing money in domains .

the government should check identity proof , not rely on dishonest CORRUPT intelligence agencies who are ruthless in cheating, exploiting hardworking single women repeating the LIES of fraud ntro/raw employees like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh

To cover up their BANKING, ICANN, COMPUTER work fraud, GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR brahmin, bania officials make FAKE BLACK MONEY allegations against kshatriya business owners

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS LIAR brahmin, bania officials
In all states of india, the state JEE topper is always treated with respect since they are intelligent and hardworking

Like the other google, tata sponsored LAZY GREEDY FRAUD raw/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika kinge no one has stopped the SHAMELESS LAZY GREEDY LIAR panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange from getting her own airtel connection, paying the monthly expenses for the airtel connection and using it .

Yet continuing, the massive WORK AT HOME, online fraud of the sundar pichai led google, tata, the ruthless robber riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut continues with with her airtel connection, online ,FINANCIAL fraud, shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the airtel connection, sim of a single woman domain investor, private citizen, who she, her LIAR husband caro, father nayak, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, hate

Surveillance will prove that well paid greedy LIAR cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro like other housewives is mainly cooking, housekeeping and enjoying herself, relies on powerful fraud LIAR father nayak, husband caro, sugar daddy NTRO employee vijay, to closely monitor a hardworking single woman domain investor, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her and shamelessly, falsely claim to own the internet connection in another government fraud,

The domain investor would like to ask the google, tata PIMPS, GREEDY SHAMELESS ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud husband caro, father nayak, mandrekar, that if they have so much evidence of BLACK MONEY why are they not sending any income tax notice for more than 10 years why are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer, domain investor for more than 10 years repeating their their lies like parrots

This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT, so that people, companies and countries are aware that one of the most powerful families in goa, LIAR GREEDY cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud husband caro, father nayak are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS making FAKE BLACK MONEY allegations against the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer and should not be trusted at all

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