Online the most notorious cheater woman from bengaluru remains the shivalli brahmin housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar who has been allegedly been rewarded with a top job in R&AW, faking her resume, for cheating a single woman obc engineer of more than Rs 1,1 lakh. Her husband, guruprasad hathwar was working in tata power, special electronics division, mumbai and bengaluru, and allegedly tata, google has been protecting, rewarding the mediocre brahmin fraud for her fraud, to destroy competition, acquire talent and technology cheaply.
A powerful official puneet infatuated with nayanshree allegedly falsely claimed that his darling BBM nayanshree was his Btech 1993 EE classmate, stealing the resume of his brilliant obc engineering classmate, who nayanshree cheated, In reality the mediocre nayanshree has only a BBM degree from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnataka, would never have got admission to a top engineering college, and has no engineering experience.
However, casteism continues to be prevalent in the so called IT capital Bengaluru, and the bengaluru cybercrime has refused to acknowledge the complaint of the single woman obc engineer who was looted by the brahmin fraud nayanshree,despite providing proof, indicating that it remains very difficult for obc victims of cheating by brahmins to get justice
So when people in bengaluru boast about their city, ask them about the mediocre brahmin fraud housewife BBM nayanshree why she was rewarded for cheating a OBC single woman engineer and remains unpunished till date