Goan OBC slut sunaina’s gang tortures engineer for exposing sex bribes on 18 august 2015

The cruel fraud gang of the lazy greedy inexperienced goan slut obc bsc sunaina who offers sex bribes to fraud top indian intelligence and security agency officials to falsely claim that the inexperienced bsc goan slut sunaina has a Btech 1993 EE degree to get a job allegdly in R&AW,launched another directed energy weapons on the brilliant obc engineer whose resume the officials sleeping with goan slut have stolen for bsc sunaina.
The latest attack of goan slut sunaina’s gang was reported at around 8 am 18 August, 2015 in Panaji, Goa causing great pain
Allegedly the gang helping the lazy inexperienced greedy goan slut bsc sunaina fake her engineering degree, experience, include her cruel fraud relative pritesh c,ntro official j srinivasan who is blinded by his infatuation with the obc slut sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar’s gang tata, officials who sunaina offers sex bribes to, google, paypal, intelligence and security agency officials the goan slut sunaina sleeps with .
When will these criminals promoting the lazy greedy obc goan slut bsc sunaina be exposed and end the human rights abuses?