Goa’s pampered fraud domain investor sunaina, actually a call girl

Internet investors and companies in India should not be duped by the notorious fraud goan slut obc bsc sunaina who has allegedly got a job in R&AW because the powerful fraud officials in indian intelligence and security agencies she sleeps with falsely claim that the goan slut is a domain investor, webmaster and Paypal account holder
To get an idea of Goan slut Sunaina looks like check the image of a look alike of goan call girl sunaina . Allegedly Google, tata, paypal are bribingthe fraud top officials in the indian internet sector to abuse .
These notices will continue to be published till shameless fraud indian intelligence agency officials stop falsely claiming that these the lazy greedy goan sluts are domain investors, Paypal account holders and webmasters

Pampered Goan slut sunaina falsely claims to be a domain investor, Paypal account holder and webmaster.
Indian intelligencies like R&AW, CBI, Google, Tata, Paypal, top officials are free to promote the lazy greedy goan slut sunaina as the call girl who sleeps with top officials and officially declare that top positions in the indian intelligence agencies are reserved for sluts who fake their resume.
If the names of the officials who goan slut sunaina has slept with are declared officially, it would be better for greater transparency
so that other women can follow her footsteps