Due to the high levels of sleaze in the indian internet sector the goan obc slut sunaina has achieved great powers overnight only by sleeping with some extremely powerful officials in indian intelligence and security agencies, allegedly CBI, R&AW and NTRO . These officials are so infatuated with her that they are making the following completely false claims that she is
1. she was their Btech 1993 electrical engineering college classmate, when she actually completed her Bsc only a couple of years ago.
2. an experienced engineer, when she does not know the abc of engineering
3. a domain investor, when she has not spent a single paisa on domain names
4. a Paypal account holder, when she is too mediocre and lazy to make money online
5. Ebay account holder and online seller, when she does not have a ebay account
6. experienced webmaster managing a large network of websites when the lazy greedy pampered mediocre goan slut sunaina has not managed a single website .
These cunning fraud officials are stealing the resume of a brilliant middle aged obc engineer, their Btech 1993 EE classmate who they hate for the lazy greedy goan call girl bsc obc sunaina, to give the goan slut sunaina, great powers, a salary and pension for the rest of her life,
While it is obvious that the lazy greedy goan slut bsc sunaina has got everything easy, only for recreational sex with the shameless fraud top officials in the indian internet sector, why is the brilliant obc engineer expected to keep quiet and tolerate the lazy greedy arrogant goan slut sunaina exploiting her
Why should the world not know the truth about the lazy greedy goan obc bsc call girl sunaina , that she only sleeps with corrupt sex starved top officials , goan bsc slut sunaina is not an engineer, webmaster, domain investor.
They should also know that lazy greedy goan call girls like sunaina, siddhi are getting jobs allegedly in R&AW only for sex bribes to top officials, not for skills, knowledge or hard work.
The brilliant obc engineer will no longer tolerate the defamation by the shameless powerful fraud officials patronizing lazy greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina who falsely claim that the sluts are webmasters, domain investors and Paypal account holders