Powerful cruel fraud officials continue their human rights abuses on the brilliant obc engineer whose impressive resume these fraud officials falsely claim that the lazy greedy cheater goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc bsc slut sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree, asmita patel, veena, ruchika and others have, to get all the frauds lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW.
In an indication of how cruel fraud animals in human form holding important intelligence and security jobs in india are given powers , none of the cruel fraud officials can justify their fraud and atrocities in an open debate, hide in offices and waste indian tax payer money to torture innocent women out of hatred and greed.
In India in 2015, why are cruel frauds, criminals of the worst kind holding important government jobs, falsely claiming national security allowed to remain unpunished and unquestioned for their daily torture of an innocent person out of hatred, greed and lust for call girls
Do the gsb, brahmin frauds and the powerful officials promoting lazy greedy obc slut sunaina, who sleeps with them have the courage to openly reply