Are R&AW, CBI officially recruiting call girls, cheaters?

On many websites , people ask , how to get a job in R&AW? what is the selection criteria? While officially most R&AW officials are from police and army, most Indian citizens are not ware that R&AW has also been recruiting people from top colleges in the country. These officials recruited from top colleges are allowed to give fake references of an engineering degree, twenty years experience, investment online and offline to anyone they feel like, stealing the resume of their brilliant engineering classmate who they hate.
So some powerful officials with a Btech 1993 EE degree from a top college hate their classmate and want to destroy her life. To defame her and deny her opportunities she deserved allegedly NTRO official J srinivasan has falsely claimed that the goan obc bsc call girl sunaina half his age, who he is infatuated with, was his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW.
Similarly another official Puneet has allegedly falsely claimed that other sluts and cheaters like goan fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, asmita patel, and others were his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW
A third fraud official soni has falsely claimed that the well connected goan gsb fraud riddhi , who he is infatuated with, was his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW
The real Btech 1993 EE classmate of these officials, a single woman, finds that she has been ruthlessly exploited by these powerful cruel men, who are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money for harassing, exploiting and cheating a person they hate. None of the mediocre lazy greedy fraud women are webmasters, domain investors, Paypal account holders or experienced engineers, yet they have got extremely lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW, CBI
So instead of deluding themselves about the qualifications, experience, investment of these lazy greedy fraud women, will R&AW, CBI be honest, officially declare that they are recruiting call girls and cheaters, who top officials are infatuated with.