Are R&AW, CBI officially recruiting call girls, cheaters?

On many websites , people ask , how to get a job in R&AW? what is the selection criteria? While officially most R&AW officials are from police and army, most Indian citizens are not ware that R&AW has also been recruiting people from top colleges in the country. These officials recruited from top colleges are allowed to give fake references of an engineering degree, twenty years experience, investment online and offline to anyone they feel like, stealing the resume of their brilliant engineering classmate who they hate.
So some powerful officials with a Btech 1993 EE degree from a top college hate their classmate and want to destroy her life. To defame her and deny her opportunities she deserved allegedly NTRO official J srinivasan has falsely claimed that the goan obc bsc call girl sunaina half his age, who he is infatuated with, was his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW.
Similarly another official Puneet has allegedly falsely claimed that other sluts and cheaters like goan fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, asmita patel, and others were his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW
A third fraud official soni has falsely claimed that the well connected goan gsb fraud riddhi , who he is infatuated with, was his Btech 1993 EE classmate, domain investor, webmaster, Paypal account holder to the give the inexperienced goan slut great powers, a job allegedly in R&AW
The real Btech 1993 EE classmate of these officials, a single woman, finds that she has been ruthlessly exploited by these powerful cruel men, who are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money for harassing, exploiting and cheating a person they hate. None of the mediocre lazy greedy fraud women are webmasters, domain investors, Paypal account holders or experienced engineers, yet they have got extremely lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW, CBI
So instead of deluding themselves about the qualifications, experience, investment of these lazy greedy fraud women, will R&AW, CBI be honest, officially declare that they are recruiting call girls and cheaters, who top officials are infatuated with.

Human rights abuses continue in panaji, Goa on 11 August 2015

Powerful cruel fraud officials continue their human rights abuses on the brilliant obc engineer whose impressive resume these fraud officials falsely claim that the lazy greedy cheater goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc bsc slut sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree, asmita patel, veena, ruchika and others have, to get all the frauds lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW.
In an indication of how cruel fraud animals in human form holding important intelligence and security jobs in india are given powers , none of the cruel fraud officials can justify their fraud and atrocities in an open debate, hide in offices and waste indian tax payer money to torture innocent women out of hatred and greed.

In India in 2015, why are cruel frauds, criminals of the worst kind holding important government jobs, falsely claiming national security allowed to remain unpunished and unquestioned for their daily torture of an innocent person out of hatred, greed and lust for call girls

Do the gsb, brahmin frauds and the powerful officials promoting lazy greedy obc slut sunaina, who sleeps with them have the courage to openly reply

Shameless Brahmin fraud officials block another payment of OBC engineer, webmaster in Goa

In Goa, not satisfied with stealing the resume of the brilliant obc engineer for atleast 8 frauds women to get them lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW, the shameless fraud Brahmin officials in India who control the indian internet sector have blocked another payment of the brilliant obc engineer and webmaster.
These shameless brahmin officials have already stolen the retirement savings of the obc engineer for 20 years without a court order, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar from bengaluru has looted her of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, numerous frauds like suraksha hegde have not paid as promised and now the obc engineer, webmaster finds that even her small payment of less than $1 from has been blocked by these corrupt fraud brahmin officials.
If anyone from R&AW, CBI or indian intelligence agency can find out the name of the official who has blocked the payment and the reason for the blocking of the payment it will be appreciated, send an email to

Why did pampered lazy greedy Goan GSB FRAUD riddhi not study for her engineering degree?

‘GSB officials like to falsely claim that they have succeeded because of education, yet the goodlooking goan GSB fraud riddhi is a classic example of a cheater who has got a lucrative job in R&AW faking her engineering degreee, The good looking GSB fraud riddhi with her permed hair was too lazy and mediocre to get admission to even the worst engineering degree college in India, yet her shameless fraud relatives and friends viciously defamed a brilliant obc engineer to falsely claim that the GSB goan fraud riddhi has the impressive resume of the OBC engineer,
Now the obc engineer finds that all her phone calls, smses are diverted to GSB fraud riddhi who demands a bribe for delivery or impersonates the obc engineer
So an open challenge to all the GSBs who proudly boast about their education, why is no action taken against the lazy greedy goan GSB fraud riddhi faking her engineering degree to steal the resume of a brilliant hardworking obc engineer and get a job allegedly in R&AW and great powers for her fraud?
A look alike of the shameless greedy lazy goan GSB fraud riddhi has been posted hoping that the fraud and her powerful shameless GSB family and friends stop falsely claiming that the greeedy GSB fraud riddhi is an experienced engineer, webmaster, Paypal account holder and domain investor to give the mediocre lazy riddhi great powers

When will the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, their powerful families and friends Admit the harsh truth that like the other lazy greedy mediocre GSB fraud siddhi mandrekar, the good looking GSB fraud riddhi has got the lucrative job in R&AW only because she is a lazy greedy well connected brahmin from a powerful fraud GSB family who specialize in viciously defaming and torturing brilliant OBC engineers, especially bhandari and then falsely claiming the mediocre lazy GSB cheaters have the impressive resume of the brilliant obc engineer
Why does the obc engineer find that her phone calls are diverted to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, who make it impossible to speak to anyone on phone, getting directions to reach a place, why are the lazy greedy gsb frauds given so many powers for doing nothing except cheating and lies.

Please note that goan sluts siddhi,obc bsc call girl sunaina are also not associated with the website.

Human rights abuses resume in Goa on 9 August 2015

The powerful cruel animal like officials in indian security and intelligence promoting the lazy greedy goan sluts siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, brahmin cheaters nayanshre hathwar, gsb fraud and lead thief riddhi, veena , asmita patel, ruchika and others as Paypal account holders resumed their human rights abuses on the harmless brilliant obc engineer whose impressive resume these shameless fraud officials have stolen to get all the fraud women permanent jobs allegedly in R&AW.
Why are shameless cruel animals in human form given so many powers in India, control of expensive sophisticated weapons, without being held accountable? the shameless greedy lazy goan gsb fraud riddhi impersonates the obc engineer while her fraud gsb family defames the innocent obc engineer without proof to justify the great powers the lazy GSB fraud riddhi has been given falsely claiming to own the Paypal account. If anyone can help the shameless FRAUD GSB liars riddhi siddhi from making false claims , it will be appreciated

why are these fraud officials not forced to admit that goan sluts have got top jobs only for sex bribes to them and others for cheating and lies, not for doing any work online.
Why dont the indian intelligence agencies openly advertise their requirement for sluts in red light areas of india, so that the lazy greedy goan sluts siddhi and sunaina get some competition, instead of deluding themselves that the lazy greedy goan sluts and other cheaters are experienced webmasters, domain investors and engineers, to justify the great powers these inexperienced lazy greedy sluts and cheaters have got

Why Indian women are welcoming the ban on adult websites

Most of the online commenters on the porn ban in India are male, watch adult content on the internet and are criticizing the government for blocking the adult websites on July 31, 2015. Though the government has only banned 857 urls and according to online sources there are over 40 millions urls with adult content, it is a welcome step in the right direction for the the many women who have suffered due to the internet and technology. It may be the reason why the number of working women in India has declined as they face the threat of hi tech harassment if they work in an office.

Technology instead of improving the life of women in India, has made their life horrible. Today the kind of hi tech sexual harassment Indian women are facing would have been impossible even a decade ago and it has become close to impossible to get any relief from the harassment. There are reports of women being filmed when they are in hotel rooms, elsewhere and their videos uploaded on websites without their consent to ruin their reputation or to blackmail them. Some time ago, the top technical intelligence agency in India NTRO was in the news, as spycams had been installed in the womens toilets in the office.

Even top officials are increasingly judging women on the basis of their appearance only, and women who are not good looking enough find that they are denied privacy even at home, as these officials are making false allegations against these women without proof . Allegedly these officials are then using sophisticated equipment like infra red imaging to watch women even in the bathroom and uploading the footage online. Many young women are being blackmailed due to videos which are being filmed of them in embarassing situations.

In one specific case, some powerful officials put their female engineering colege classmate under surveillance, twenty years after graduation, falsely claiming national security and then started circulating her videos to make it difficult to lead a normal life and destroy her reputation socially and professionally. Why should these officials be bothered about their classmate who they have not contacted for more than two decades. If internet video creation and uploading was not so easy, the harmless woman would have been able to lead a normal life.

It is hoped that all websites where videos of Indian women taken without their consent are uploaded will be blocked in India and those uploading the videos will be punished. Every indian citizen has the right to privacy and no one has the right to make and circulate videos of strangers without their permission. Because her powerful fraud classmates defamed her circulating videos, the innocent woman engineer finds that her impressive resume has been stolen by 8 lazy greedy cheater women like the cunning goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, obc goan bsc call girl sunaina, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, stock broker asmita patel, veena, ruchika and others, and all these greedy fraud women have allegedly got a job in R&AW with the fake resume
The shameless lazy greedy goan frauds GSB riddhi siddhi, obc bsc call girl sunaina will also falsely claim, allegedly supported by google, tata, paypal, that they own the website, when these pampered lazy goan cheater women do not spend a single paisa online or do any work or even control the paypal acount , The greeedy Goud saraswat brahmin mediocre fraud riddhi steals leads with her fake resume and her powerful fraud friends and relatives specialize in defaming the brilliant obc engineer whose impressive resume the lazy greedy goan cheater GSB fraud riddhi has stolen. These goodlooking goan and other frauds are just like the men who watch adult content online,

However looking at the outrage of the mainly male indian internet users, it remains to be seen how long the ban on these adult website remains.

What goan obc slut bsc sunaina has achieved offering sex bribes

Due to the high levels of sleaze in the indian internet sector the goan obc slut sunaina has achieved great powers overnight only by sleeping with some extremely powerful officials in indian intelligence and security agencies, allegedly CBI, R&AW and NTRO . These officials are so infatuated with her that they are making the following completely false claims that she is
1. she was their Btech 1993 electrical engineering college classmate, when she actually completed her Bsc only a couple of years ago.
2. an experienced engineer, when she does not know the abc of engineering
3. a domain investor, when she has not spent a single paisa on domain names
4. a Paypal account holder, when she is too mediocre and lazy to make money online
5. Ebay account holder and online seller, when she does not have a ebay account
6. experienced webmaster managing a large network of websites when the lazy greedy pampered mediocre goan slut sunaina has not managed a single website .
These cunning fraud officials are stealing the resume of a brilliant middle aged obc engineer, their Btech 1993 EE classmate who they hate for the lazy greedy goan call girl bsc obc sunaina, to give the goan slut sunaina, great powers, a salary and pension for the rest of her life,
While it is obvious that the lazy greedy goan slut bsc sunaina has got everything easy, only for recreational sex with the shameless fraud top officials in the indian internet sector, why is the brilliant obc engineer expected to keep quiet and tolerate the lazy greedy arrogant goan slut sunaina exploiting her

Why should the world not know the truth about the lazy greedy goan obc bsc call girl sunaina , that she only sleeps with corrupt sex starved top officials , goan bsc slut sunaina is not an engineer, webmaster, domain investor.
They should also know that lazy greedy goan call girls like sunaina, siddhi are getting jobs allegedly in R&AW only for sex bribes to top officials, not for skills, knowledge or hard work.

The brilliant obc engineer will no longer tolerate the defamation by the shameless powerful fraud officials patronizing lazy greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina who falsely claim that the sluts are webmasters, domain investors and Paypal account holders

Goa’s pampered fraud domain investor sunaina, actually a call girl

Internet investors and companies in India should not be duped by the notorious fraud goan slut obc bsc sunaina who has allegedly got a job in R&AW because the powerful fraud officials in indian intelligence and security agencies she sleeps with falsely claim that the goan slut is a domain investor, webmaster and Paypal account holder
To get an idea of Goan slut Sunaina looks like check the image of a look alike of goan call girl sunaina . Allegedly Google, tata, paypal are bribingthe fraud top officials in the indian internet sector to abuse .
These notices will continue to be published till shameless fraud indian intelligence agency officials stop falsely claiming that these the lazy greedy goan sluts are domain investors, Paypal account holders and webmasters

Pampered Goan slut sunaina falsely claims to be a domain investor, Paypal account holder and webmaster.
Indian intelligencies like R&AW, CBI, Google, Tata, Paypal, top officials are free to promote the lazy greedy goan slut sunaina as the call girl who sleeps with top officials and officially declare that top positions in the indian intelligence agencies are reserved for sluts who fake their resume.
If the names of the officials who goan slut sunaina has slept with are declared officially, it would be better for greater transparency
so that other women can follow her footsteps

Cruel fraud Goan slut, cheater gang continue human rights abuses in August 2015

The powerful cruel fraud officials falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan cheater sluts obc bsc sunaina, gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, shivalli brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar are Paypal account holders continue their human rights abuses in August 2015,
The real Paypal account holder finds that she is in great pain in August 2015 in Panaji, Goa , as these animal like cruel fraud officials, allegedly bribed by Google, Tata, Paypal continue to attack her with invisible directed energy weapons, to cover up their Vyapam sex, cheating for Government job fraud , wasting indian tax payer money for their personal hatred, greed, lust and casteism
Why are officials in Indian intelligence agencies allegedly R&AW and CBI shameless greedy cruel frauds