Cunning ruthless goan call girl siddhi rewarded for corporate espionage on obc engineer

Due to open casteism in the indian internet sector the shivalli brahmin cheater bangalore housewife nayanshree, a mediocre BBM from Bhandarkar college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi,south kanara, karnataka has been allegedly rewarded with a lucrative job in RAW for cheating a obc single woman engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh. The mainly brahmin classmates of the obc engineer, webmaster and domain investor in a top engineering college,. hate the obc engineer,are allegedly been bribed by google, tata, paypal and others and have falsely claimed that the brahmin cheater nayanshree, was their engineering college classmate to get her the lucrative RAW job at the expense of the experienced obc engineer.
In reality, mediocre nayanshree , the wife of tata power special electronics division employee, guruprasad has no engineering degree or experience, yet due to the complete lack of morals of top officials and engineers , she will enjoy great powers and privileges for cheating an innocent obc engineer for the rest of her life.
Due to casteism in india, bangalore cybercrime has refused to take action against the vvip brahmin fraud nayanshre for cheating an obc engineer, and fraud shameless officials give the lazy greedy fraud nayanshree credit for the revenues of the obc engineer she ruthlessly cheated , hence exposing the crooked RAW agent nayanshree rt

Cunning ruthless goan call girl siddhi rewarded for corporate espionage on obc engineer
Due to open casteism and sex scams in the indian internet sector the a goan call girl siddhi mandrekar, a mediocre diploma holder from Father agnel, verna ,goa has been allegedly rewarded with a lucrative job in RAW for committing corporate espionage on a obc single woman engineer . The mainly brahmin classmates of the obc engineer, webmaster and domain investor in a top engineering college,. hate the obc engineer,are allegedly been bribed by google, tata, paypal and others and have falsely claimed that the brahmin cheater siddhi mandrekar, half their age, was their engineering college classmate to get her the lucrative RAW job at the expense of the experienced obc engineer.
In reality, mediocre siddhi mandrekar, has no engineering degree or experience, yet due to the complete lack of morals of top officials and engineers in the indian internet sector , she will enjoy great powers and privileges for cheating an innocent obc engineer for the rest of her life, faking twenty years work experience of the obc engineer she cheated .
For her act of corporate espionage the ruthless fraud goan vvip call girl siddhi has been given powers of surveillance over the obc engineer she cheated, allowed to steal all the correspondence of the obc engineer, indicating that mediocre lazy greedy frauds like siddhi are highly valued in a corrupt country like india, by powerful intelligence and security agency officials

Due to casteism in india, fraud shameless officials give the lazy greedy fraud siddhi mandrekar credit for the revenues of the obc engineer she ruthlessly cheated , hence exposing the crooked RAW agent siddhi mandrekar that she does not have the experience, investment or even the skills she falsely claims to have rt

Pyar kiya to Darna Kya?

Pyar kiya to Darna Kya? this is especially addressed to the powerful officials infatuated with goan vvip call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, riddhi, asmita patel, ruchika and others.
These mediocre lazy greedy women have got lucrative government jobs allegedly in RAW and CBI , stealing the impressive resume of a vulnerable obc engineer, only because powerful officials are infatuated with them and want to make them rich and powerful overnight.
Now the obc engineer who has been cheated and whose resume stolen has been protesting loudly online and these officials are attacking her with expensive weapons, for exposing their infatuation with goan call girls and good looking cheaters.
The old saying Pyar kiya to Darna Kya?, loosely translated if you are infatuated ( with call girls and good looking cheaters ) why be afraid?
Why waste so much indian tax payer money to cover up/ hide the infatuation with goan call girls and good looking women , why attack the obc engineer whose resume has been stolen for call girls, cheaters daily,
In particular powerful official j srinivasan, allegedly working in ntro, infatuated with bsc sunaina half his age, should openly declare his relationship with the vvip goan call girl, why he is falsely claiming that she was his engineering college classmate, a domain investor, online exporter and an experienced webmaster, Similarly the powerful fraud lovers of cheater call girl siddhi mandrekar are equally ruthless in attacking the obc engineer,
He rules the internet sector like a maharaja, why not openly admit his infatuation with sunaina, why steal the resume of his obc engineering college classmate and attack the obc engineer daily. Give girlfriends and relatives government jobs because top officials are infatuated with them or they are brahmins, not because they have an impressive resume of the obc engineer who these officials hate

Monthly more than Rs 3 lakh tax payer money wasted to defame, attack harmless obc engineer

In a clear indication of the atrocities and second class status of brilliant obc engineers in India , allegedly more than Rs 3 lakhs of tax payer money monthly has been wasted to defame, exploit and attack a harmless brilliant obc engineer, exporter and domain investor out of hatred, jealousy, greed and casteism.
The aim of those wastimng the huge amount of indian tax payer money is to destroy the life of the obc engineer, make her penniless, and ensure that she does not earn a living
Her resume has been stolen for at least seven to eight mediocre lazy greedy call girls, brahmin and other cheaters to get all these call girls, cheaters lucrative government jobs allegedly in RAW /CBI. Now these call girls and brahmin cheaters who will be getting more than Rs 15 K monthly in tax payer money, are doing nothing except monitoring her and thinking up methods to harass her. The country does not benefit in any way having call girls and cheaters who are government employees monitor a harmless obc engineer spending time reading at home
In addition the monthly cost of other technicians involved in hacking, tracking and attacking the harmless obc engineer 24/7 will exceed Rs 1.8 lakh in tax payer money
After 5 years, these officials have not found any proof, why are they wasting so much money putting a harmless civilian under surveillance, stealing her correspondence, and attacking her to ruin her health.
No official reason has been given, and filing RTI request have failed to provide information
Thus brilliant harmless innocent obc engineers face a huge hurdle in being successful as vicious cruel powerful officials defame them without proof and then waste a huge amount of tax payer money to destroy their finances, health and life. Upper caste, like brahmin or bania, not only have the support of a network, indian tax payer money will not be wasted to destroy their lives without valid proof.

Why are smses, phone calls of obc engineer diverted to glamorous greedy goan cheaters riddhi siddhi

An obc engineer, webmaster finds that she is not getting any smses, phone calls on her airt* phone because powerful fraud brahmin officials have diverted all her phone calls, smses to the well connected lazy greedy brahmin goans riddhi/siddhi to deny her fundamental right to earn a living, to communicate.
The greedy fraud shameless powerful relatives and friends of greedy cheater riddhi siddhi duo specialize in making up false stories defaming the obc engineers, which are entirely a figment of their malicious imagination without proof and waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to tell these false stories to every person the obc engineer will contact.’
Diverting the phone calls, smses of the obc engineer to the greedy riddhi siddhi duo allows them to steal leads, orders and harass the webmaster as they wish. They can also run an extortion racket, demanding a bribe from any person who will try to contact the obc engineer. In case the demand for bribe will not be met, the communication will be stolen or diverted to another person who will pay these greedy women .
These greedy women can also impersonate the obc engineer, using the sophisticated voice synthesis technology available today in India to get lucrative assignment and great powers. This has become part of the never ending denial of fundamental right to obc engineers in india today, an indication of how casteism flourishes in india and powerful greedy shameless brahmin officials, their relatives and friends exploit harmless obc civilians to become rich and powerful overnight

Resume theft for lifetime free sex

Powerful officials from a top engineering college have cunningly and dishonestly stolen the resume of their obc engineering college classmate for mediocre lazy greedy goan call girls half their age, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina to get them government jobs allegedly in intelligence agencies like RAW so that they can get free sex from these call girls for the rest of their lives.
These powerful fraud officials falsely claim to be concerned about honesty to ogle and sexually harass their obc engineering college classmate for more than 5 years, when they actually want to find oout everything about her, so that they can quickly and easily steal her resume for any person they feel like.
Now the mediocre vvip goan call girls know that they have got the lucrative governmemt job, salary and pension only because of fraud references from top officials of an engineering degree,experience and investment. Hence they will do whatever these fraud officials ask them to, especially sleeping with them,
So the hypocrite electrical engineers from india’s top engineering college have shamelessly stolen the resume of their obc engineering college classmate for mediocre lazy greedy call girls half their age, so that they can enjoy a lifetime of free sex, paid using indian tax payer money.