Greedy gujju stock broker raw employee amita patel with networth of Rs 100 crores refuses to purchase domains

Blinded by his hatred, greed and ambition, cheater top government employee puneet has pulled off one of the greatest online, financial fraud, government SLAVERY rackets in the world on his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay who he HATED , making her work very long hours for very less money, while getting all his lazy greedy girlfriends and associates lucrative government jobs with the ROBBED RESUME,data including bank account, domain ownership and savings of his female classmate while destroying her reputation completely
Though his greedy girlfriends like Greedy gujju stock broker raw employee amita patel with networth of Rs 100 crores refuses to purchase domains , the cheater puneet has pulled off one of the greatest financial frauds since 2013, getting his greedy girlfriend a monthly government salary for faking ownership of this and other domains,.