Other indians agree that R&AW/cbi employees are “very greedy for money”

The domain investor has been mainly complaining because the indian government, tech and internet companies are CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING her to the maximum extent possible to make high status frauds extremely rich and powerful, getting them raw/cbi jobs faking bank account, domain ownership, resume since 2010, after criminally defaming her
These google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker amita patel are being extensively promoted by google, tata as being role models, very honest, when actually are extremely shameless greedy frauds
The intelligence and security agencies are dismissing all the complaints of the domain investor, a single woman engineer who they have CHEATED, EXPLOITED as spam, questioning her mental health, when others are also having the same opinion of the extremely greedy google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees
For example in a review of google, tata’s favorite domain fraudster greedy gujju stock broker amita patel who is being marketed as a philanthropist, on Quora, Abhishek G who spent money on the course, commented that she is’very greedy for money’
This is true of all the 15 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees like tata power employee nayanshree, riddhi nayak caro, naina chand, indore robber deepika, sunaina chodan, ruchika kinge who not spending any money on domains, are falsely claiming to own the domains including this one, bank account of the domain investor, they are all “very greedy for money”
Google reviews of amita patel also confirm that she is ‘very greedy for money’ she will cheat people if she feels that she can get away with it
If other raw/cbi employees were selling any product or service like amita patel, the domain investor is confident that they will also get similar reviews, since they are always cheating, exploiting others