Stitching, making crochet items is more lucrative than working online, due to google, tata , NTRO’s SEX, bribery racket

Due to google, tata , NTRO’s SEX, bribery racket, harmless indian paypal account holders have to work as slaves, so thatd lazy greedy google,tata sponsored BRIBE GIVING frauds raw/cbi employees like indore document robber veena, riddhi nayak,nayanshree hathwar,naina, goan sex workers bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and others can get a monthly indian government salary without doing any work, without investing any money online.

The government which claims that india was insulted when jadhav’s wife’s shoes shoes were taken away ,shows its hypocrisy when government employees steal the resume, savings, correspondence of its harmless citizens to get google,tata supplied goan SEX workers,cheater housewives and other frauds R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume.

So despite spending a lot of time, money online, the harmless google competitor who is forced to work as a slave, is making very less money, stitching home textiles, making crochet items would be more lucrative than working online due to the endless frauds of NTRO and google, tata , NTRO’s SEX, bribery racket,exploiting harmless indian domain investors.

After stealing the resume, savings to enjoy free sex with sex workers, bribes, the NTRO employees are making it difficult to get any ad orders

An Old Friend Blows into the Spa

While getting my normal Orchard manicure, something interesting happened to me. A friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in a long time walked into the spa and greeted me. I hadn’t seen this friend since my days in college, and she had been around the world. First she started traveling for vacation purposes, but while in one country, she was hired because she had skills in media marketing and knew many different foreign languages. I wish I was as skilled as her. I would love to travel around the world like that, but I don’t have the money to do it. Continue reading An Old Friend Blows into the Spa