My Job Stems from the Fact That I Did Not Go to College

It sit for long hours every day because I drive a taxi. One would think that sitting would not stress your body out very much, but it really does. That’s why I have a standing appointment with a San Jose chiropractor twice a month. I’m a senior now, and there really is no other job that I can switch to that would keep me from needing to sit down for long hours. So, there really is no reason for me to try to look into doing something else. I’m good at what I do, and I don’t wish to switch careers at this point in my life anyway.

I dreamed of going to college when I was in high school. But my mom fell sick with a chronic illness during the last years of my time in high school. Continue reading My Job Stems from the Fact That I Did Not Go to College

Gel Nails Are Not Easy to Come by

As someone who travels a lot of the time, I know a few things about situations that most people don’t think of. Whether you are getting a haircut in France or looking for a manicure service in Singapore, knowing that beauty issues do happen from time to time can better help you in situations. One of my more interesting experiences was in Singapore.

Before my trip, I had gotten a manicure and some gel nails put on. Gel, to me, had always been sturdy and hardly ever broke. Gel is also huge in the US and not so much any place else that I have encountered. When I went to Singapore, guess what happened? Yes, one of my gel tips came right off when I was picking up my bags. Continue reading Gel Nails Are Not Easy to Come by