Why give greedy brahmin fraud nayanshree credit for obc engineers revenues

Why are the top officials in the indian internet sector such shameless ruthless frauds that they give the BRAHMIN CHEATER nayanshree credit for the revenues of the obc engineer she ruthlessly cheated? Why has the cunning greedy BRAHMIN FRAUD BBM nayanshree been pampered so much for looting the innocent harmless obc engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh.
Is it because the brahmin cowards and perverts, holding government jobs, who hide behind the cheater brahmin nayanshre have sexually harassed the obc single woman engineer for years
Or is it because the greedy fraud BBM nayanshree, her cowardly shameless cheater relatives and friends, especially her husband, guruprasad, former tata power employee, specialize in framing, defaming and filing false cases against innocent single women, to loot their hard earned money?
Why has the obc engineer not been given the chance to handle these false cases herself, who are strangers to take decisions on her behalf?
Or is because in 2015 India is nominally a democracy, actually it is controlled by SHAMELESS FRAUD CHEATER BRAHMINS WHO ARE REWARDED WITH IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR LOOTING, FRAMING OBC ENGINEERS and the cheater nayanshree has become the ROLE MODEL CHEATER FOR BRAHMINS ALL OVER INDIA

BRAHMIN FRAUD Nayanshree has refused to reply to the obc engineer she looted, and Bangalore cybercrime is not taking any action on the cheating complaint lodged by the obc engineer against nayanshree, then why falsely claim that the lazy greedy cheater nayanshree allegedly sponsored by google, tata, paypal is contributing to the revenues of the obc engineer and exporter?
When will the shameless greedy fraud brahmin officials in the indian internet sector stop associating their darling vvip fraud BBM nayanshree with the vulnerable obc engineer she ruthlessly looted ?