Extortion and pampered obc call girl sunaina

The recent news of an extortion racket which was extensively covered in the media in Goa exposed the shady background of the pampered lazy greedy slim goan obc bsc call girl sunaina. The fraud powerful engineering college classmates of a brilliant obc engineer, allegedly working in NTRO had stolen her impressive resume for the bsc call girl sunaina, after making false defamatory allegations against the harmless obc engineer, to get their darling sunaina a lucrative government job allegedly in R&AW.

Now the hypocrisy of these fraud officials in promoting the lazy greedy liar sunaina is exposed, she has an extremely dubious background, Her family is used to exploiting, threatening and extorting money from people, and she is confident that she herself will never be punished for all her crimes, fraud online and offline as she is well connected. How is money which people get from extortion white money?
The main excuse given by the powerful officials in justifying the resume theft of their brilliant obc engineering classmate for numerous call girls, brahmin and other cheaters, was that she was dishonest and had black money, However even after sexually harassing and ogling at their innocent classmate for more than 5 years, these officials have not found any proof of her dishonesty and black money to send her an income tax notice .

Now are these officials who fake concern about honesty, willing to take action against their darling pampered sunaina? A challenge to prove that money extorted from small business owners by governmemt officials as a bribe is white money