For nearly three years, the powerful fraud official J srinivasan Btech, electrical engineering 1993, allegedly working in NTRO or similar technical intelligence agency , has been promoting his lazy greedy darling goan call girl obc bsc sunaina as an online exporter at the expense of the real exporter, his obc engineering college classmate who he hated and sexually harassed for more than 5 years.
Initially he may have hoped that his classmate would hire his darling sunaina, now it is obvious that his lazy greedy darling sunaina has no connection as she does not want to do any work online. Yet he shamelessly continues to shamelessly exploit his obc engineering college classmate and get new endorsement deals for his call girl friend sunaina falsely claiming that she is the domain investor, webmaster and online exporter.
Why should his obc engineering college classmate tolerate her professional reputation being damaged as the lazy greedy sunaina gets credit for all her export revenues and domain investment, despite doing nothing just because of the lies of the powerful fraud J and her other fraud powerful lovers. It is creepy how he has been stalking his classmate online and then falsely claiming that his lazy greedy darling sunaina is spending all the money online, when she does not spend a single paisa online
Who gave him the license to exploit his engineering college classmate for his beloved call girl sunaina. Where does his great concern for honesty disappear when he falsely claims that bsc sunaina was his engineering college classmate.
Sunaina has been mentioned because her associates are relentless in stalking the obc engineer posing a danger, others may be greedy cheaters and liars , they do not stalk physically causing danger. An open challenge to the powerful Btech J to prove that his darling bsc sunaina is an exporter, domain investor or experienced engineer.