Fake black money allegations against OBc engineers

One of the close kept dirty secrets of the indian internet sector is how powerful fraud officials specialize in making completely false black money allegations against innocent obc engineers, webmasters and domain investor to justify the theft of their retirement savings and impressive resume for mediocre call girls providing free sex, siddhi,sunaina and cheater brahmin women like nayanshree hathwar, who are then appointed to lucrative government jobs.

If the obc engineer , webmaster and domain investor had so much black money, the governmemt can easily send a tax notice to the OBc engineer, webmaster who they are defaming so viciously. Why steal the retirement savings and resume of the OBC engineer for cheater call girls and brahmin frauds , when they have no proof at all against her? Why dont these officials have the grace and honesty to admit that they made a mistake, the OBC engineer has many years experience and has invested a large amount, which their darling call girls and brahmin cheater relatives do not have?

However these cunning fraud officials have no proof at all against the Obc engineer, yet they are wasting tax payer money making false black money allegations , for more than 5 years so that they can steal her savings, resume for their mediocre lazy fraud call girl friends siddhi, sunaina and brahmin cheater friends like nayanshree hathwar. Five years is a long time to find proof of black money.

Just because shameless cunning liar officials are making false allegations against the obc engineer, why should she tolerate their complete lies? Why should she not expose these casteist or sex starved officials who will never have the courage to justify their complete lies against the brilliant OBC engineer in an open debate t