The indian rupee fell to less than Rs 64 a dollar, a tribute to the fact that India remains as corrupt and inefficient as before. The fraud powerful officials in india continue to waste tax payer money paying highly inflated salaries to goan call girls like obc bsc sunaina who sleep with them and brahmin cheaters like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi, siddhi mandrekar, falsely claimimg that these call girls and cheaters are exporters when they have no proof that these women are exporters.
When it is very apparent that these lazy greedy cheater women do not contribute to export in any way, the top officials in the internet sector in india show a singular lack of honesty and ethics when they continue to shower these vvip call girls and brahmin cheaters with great powers and lucrative governmemt salaries, They also waste their time and tax payer money spreading false rumors promoting the lazy greedy call girls and cheaters.
On the other hand a huge amount of indian tax payer money will be used to harass the real obc engineer and exporter whose resume has been stolen to appoint the mediocre call girls and brahmin cheaters to important governmemt jobs. India will be the only country in the world where a shivalli brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree who cheats an online exporter and engineer and diploma holder siddhi who committed corporate espionage on the exporter will be rewarded for their crime with top government jobs. there is a fundamental attitude problem which will not change.
These corrupt officials are confident that their fraud and lies will never be punished an indication of how poorly governed the country remains. Though the mainstream media may paint a rosy picture of the conditions in the country, the underlying problems remain, which allows well connected mediocre lazy greedy frauds to flourish, while honest hardworking citizens find life increasingly difficult and are denied their fundamental right. No one has the courage or honesty to recognize the fraud and continue to cover up