Fraudsters inspired by CYBERCRIMINAL top government employees j srinivasan, puneet clone orchid hotel and other hotel websites

The indian government policy of supporting and rewarding cybercrime in India with monthly government salaries for cybercriminals has led to a massive increase in cybercrime in india.Fraudsters inspired by CYBERCRIMINAL top government employees j srinivasan, puneet who are allegedly openly involved in stealing the data of their their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay to get their real girlfriends, sugar babies government jobs, fraudsters now . clone orchid hotel and other hotel websites to collect money from people interested in booking hotel rooms
Though the government and cybercriminal liar employees puneet, j srinivasan, vijay and tushar parekh, may continue to defend the cybercrime of stealing data from a harmless single woman engineer without a court order, they are worse than the cybercriminals cloning the hotel website , since the top intelligence, security agencies are impersonating the engineer to collect monthly government salaries for their relatives and friends
The girlfriends, sugar babies of top government employees are not doing any computer work, do not invest money in domains, yet because they are faking their resume, domain ownership, they are getting monthly government salaries since 2010.