The powerful officials allegedly working in NTRO and companies allegedly google, tata, paypal and others promoting the lazy greedy goan obc call girl bsc sunaina as an experienced engineer, domain investor and online exporter are justify the resume theft of the brilliant obc engineer falsely saying that the obc engineer has black money, while their lazy greedy darling sunaina is a honest saint who has white money.
Now that the goan newspapers have reported that the powerful associates of the pampered goan obc call girl sunaina have been involved in an extortion racket, are these officials still able to claim openly that their darling lazy sunaina who does not do any work at all, is a honest saint which her powerful friends claim she is? If the official was honest, he would have followed legal procedure, not demanded and got a bribe. The fine the business owner would have paid would have been fairly less, yet the official managed to frighten the small business owner
How is the money extorted from a small business owner, cash for a bribe, after making false accusations, white money? Do the powerful officials and companies promoting the the lazy greedy goan call girl sunaina and giving her so many powers have an answer to the question. Even after 5 years, the powerful officials making false accusations against the innocent obc engineer have no proof against her of black money which could be used to send an income tax notice, However the obc engineer has been denied all the opportunities and assignments she deserved only on the basis of the false accusations.
However the details of the fraud, extortion racket of sunaina’s associates are published in all papers, yet these same fraud officials are still promoting their darling lazy greedy sunaina as a honest saint and online exporter though she does no work at all.
Who will the courage and honesty to expose the double standards of these powerful officials regarding black money, so that they stop falsely promoting goan call girl sunaina as the exporter and domain investor