Though google with its obsession with beauty is allegedly promoting the glamorous goan brahmin riddhi, in reality an extremely evil,cruel and cunning mind hides behind the pretty face of the greedy riddhi. The shameless greedy cheater riddhi allegedly comes from a powerful family of intelligence agency officials who specialize in defaming and exploiting vulnerable women especially obc engineers, The mediocre lazy greedy riddhi did not bother to study hard for an engineering degree or get good grades in school or college, her powerful friends and relatives shamelessly will steal a resume for her,
After spreading the most malicious rumors about the innocent harmless brilliant obc engineer, the fraud greedy relatives and friends of riddhi have diverted all the smses, phone calls of the obc engineer to the lazy greedy brahmin cheater riddhi without a court order or legally valid reason. like her friend siddhi, she also has been demanding a bribe for sms delivery or a phone call connection. The shameless fraud brahmin relatives and friends of riddhi, google hope to force the brilliant hardworking obc engineer to form a company with the lazy greedy cheater riddhi.
It remains to be seen for more how many years the theft of leads and diversion of correspondence will continue in goa without a legally valid reason. Now every dirty trick will be documented online so that no other person will be duped or fall into the trap which these cunning men have deployed to make their mediocre lazy greedy relatives and friends rich and powerful.
The cunning greedy fraud riddhi siddhi duo are so ruthless that the obc engineer could not contact anyone for help even when her mother was seriously ill due to the diversion of phone calls, smses, Then why are these greedy brahmin cheaters and lead thieves expecting the obc engineer to form a company with these greedy cheater women who completely lack humanity, honesty or morals and are partly responsible for the death of her mother.