The top officials in the indian internet sector are behaving very cheaply to exploit older domain investor women, falsely claiming that the lazy greedy cheater goan call girls diploma holder siddhi mandrekar and obc bsc call girl sunaina who sleep with them, invest money in domain names, when these greedy goan call girls do not spend a SINGLE PAISA on domain names .
Already these greedy lazy goan call girls siddhi and sunaina have got permanent government jobs allegedly in R&AW with a salary and pension without spending a single paisa only because they allegedly bribed the top officials including the cowardly cruel ntro officials with FREE SEX . The sex for government job scam has become famous worldwide among domain investors ‘
Now the shameless J srinivasan infatuated with lazy greedy cheater goan obc bsc call girl sunaina has been duping and wisesolution that his darling goan call girl sunaina is their customer so that these companies are putting the greedy lazy greedy goan call girl sunaina image on their home page . Already the shameless J has stolen the impressive resume of his obc engineering college classmate for his bsc call girl sunaina, half his age, to get her a permanent government job in R&AW falsely claiming that she is a domain investor
When his lazy greedy sunaina does not spend a single paisa online, why should the top officials promote their darling call girl as a domain investor and webmaster, the only connection with the internet is that sunaina sleeps with the top internet officials . Why should the real domain investor spending her hard earned money online keep quiet and tolerate the defamation,exploitation, while the lazy greedy call girl sunaina gets credit , great powers and a monthly salary, pension at her expense.
The shameless fraud j falsely claims that his darling sunaina has white money to justify the exploitation of the real domain investor, when all the goan papers carried news of the extortion racket of the close associates of goan call girl sunaina indicating that the call girl sunaina also had black money . So when will the powerful fraud officials in the indian internet sector stop promoting their darling call girls as domain investors and webmasters to companies like Crazydomains and wisesolution
For two years these lazy greedy mediocre cheater goan call girls have enjoyed great powers for free sex bribes, it is the top officials in the internet sector start acknowledging the real domain investor, webmaster else they will find news of their sexual exploits with goan call girls one of the greatest sex scams in India