The brilliant harmless innocent obc engineer whose impressive resume has been stolen by cruel fraud offciials for the lazy greedy goan calls siddhi mandrekar, bsc sunaina and brahmin cheaters nayanshree, riddhi to get them permanent governmemt jobs allegedly in R&AW is forced to play a cruel game of evading these cruel animal like stalkers who get a governmemt salary,
These officials who are allegedly working in NTRO seem to have no other work at NTRO , other than stalking the harmless single woman 24/7 for the last 5 years, wasting infinite tax payer money only out of hatred and greed.
As soon as they locate her and find that she is at one place for long, they will attack her with the radiation weapon which will cause maximum pain. As soon as she feels the pain, she will have to leave the work and go to another place to avoid further damage to her body. The attackers then attack for some time wasting tax payer money and leave. Thus indian tax payer money is being wasted daily to ensure that a harmless civilian and exporter does not work for long .
Today it is difficult for the online exporter to even work for 15 minutes continuously, especially during the day as the stalkers getting a governmemt salary, are ruthless in attacking her, causing great pain and terrible human rights abuses. these stalkers are keeping a log of the time when the computer, internet connection will be used to attack her .
The government is faking concern about the decline in export, they should check how many of their officials are deployed solely to attack the harmless exporter, subjecting them to terrible human rights abuses. These cunning cruel fraud officials are shameless liars falsely claiming that the CALL GIRLs who sleep with them like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina and brahmin cheaters nayanshree, riddhi, veena, asmita patel, ruchika are the exporters when the actual contribution of these call girls and brahmin cheaters to exports is ZERO .
An open challenge to any R&AW, NTRO official to prove that vvip goan call girls cheater siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, riddhi, nayanshree, veena, asmita patel,ruchika who they have appointed to R&AW are contributing to exports in any way to justify the salary, pension and powers these cheater women are getting for corporate espionage, lies and free sex bribes