Free sex = online exports for top officials in India

One of the reason for the decline in indian exports is because the top officials in india, especially in the indian internet sector, seem to think that any call girl who provides free sex to them is an online exporter and should be rewarded with a permanent government job. These officials will shamelessly steal the impressive resume of the real exporter for these mediocre call girl to justify the appointment .

Already the greedy lazy cheater mediocre goan call girls cheater diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, and bsc sunaina have been promoted online as online exporters, domain investors, webmasters allegedly given permanent government jobs in R&AW , when their actual contribution to exports is ZERO. These cunning mediocre women only sleep with top officials who reward them for FREE SEX bribes with government jobs according to domain investors

Just because these lazy greedy goan call girls sleep with top officials, these top officials in the indian internet sector are free to waste infinite tax payer money to spread false rumors that their darling call girls cheater siddhi mandrekar, sunaina are exporters to give these call girls great powers
When their darling siddhi and sunaina do not control the bank account of the export business, why are the top officials so confused that they falsely claim that their darlings siddhi and sunaina are the exporters?
Or are the top officials completely infatuated with their greedy lazy cunning darling siddhi, sunaina that they want to make them rich and powerful at any cost , giving the call girls credit for the online export revenues of the obc engineer and exporter these officials hate

Extortion and pampered obc call girl sunaina

The recent news of an extortion racket which was extensively covered in the media in Goa exposed the shady background of the pampered lazy greedy slim goan obc bsc call girl sunaina. The fraud powerful engineering college classmates of a brilliant obc engineer, allegedly working in NTRO had stolen her impressive resume for the bsc call girl sunaina, after making false defamatory allegations against the harmless obc engineer, to get their darling sunaina a lucrative government job allegedly in R&AW.

Now the hypocrisy of these fraud officials in promoting the lazy greedy liar sunaina is exposed, she has an extremely dubious background, Her family is used to exploiting, threatening and extorting money from people, and she is confident that she herself will never be punished for all her crimes, fraud online and offline as she is well connected. How is money which people get from extortion white money?
The main excuse given by the powerful officials in justifying the resume theft of their brilliant obc engineering classmate for numerous call girls, brahmin and other cheaters, was that she was dishonest and had black money, However even after sexually harassing and ogling at their innocent classmate for more than 5 years, these officials have not found any proof of her dishonesty and black money to send her an income tax notice .

Now are these officials who fake concern about honesty, willing to take action against their darling pampered sunaina? A challenge to prove that money extorted from small business owners by governmemt officials as a bribe is white money

The hypocrisy of shameless greedy BRAHMIN CHEATERS in india

Though educated middle class indians are quick to criticize the high levels of corruption in the country, they themselves are responsible for many of the problems, due to the lack of honesty and double standards in their personal lives. Take the case of shivalli brahmin bangalore cheater housewife BBM nayanshree, wife of guruprasad hathwar, a former tata power special electronics division employee in Mumbai and Bangalore who looted a single woman obc engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh.

Though nayanshree now refuses to communicate with the single woman obc engineer she ruthlessly looted, she had earlier sent an invitation to the obc engineer for the housewarming ceremony of her house in BDA layout Bangalore, In the invitation, others mentioned are Shriram Hathwar and Girish Kodancha, Usually for weddings and housewarming ceremonies only close relatives and friends are mentioned in the invitation.

A search on Google shows that the only Girish Kodancha online is a Desktop Engineer at Accenture. He also allegedly appears to be closely related to Ramaraya Kodancha of Kodancha house in Kundapura, Udupi, South Kanara, Karnataka. The resume provided by the brahmin cheater nayanshree to the obc engineer she looted indicated that she was also from Kundapura, Udupi or related areas, havimg completed her BBM degree from Bhandarkar’s college of arts and science, Kundapura. When the IAS officer D K Ravi commited suicide, Girish Kodancha was quick to join the protest against the harassment, corruption which allegedly led to the suicide on his Facebook account.

However allegedly when his close associates nayanshree and guruprasad hathwar have ruthlessly looted and exploited a single woman obc engineer who made the mistake of trusting nayanshree, allegedly the same girish kodancha has conveniently ignored the fraud of nayanshree. If there was any social or other pressure on well connected brahmin cheater nayanshree and guruprasad hathwar to give the obc engineer they have looted a fair deal, they would have at least replied to end the dispute.
The cunning brahmin guruprasad hathwar after getting a lucrative government job for his good looking cunning BBM wife nayanshre after sexually harassing, cheating and deleting files from the laptop has deleted his linked profile.

However brahmin nayanshree and guruprasad hathwar are very confident that their fraud will never be exposed or affect their life in any way, due to the hypocrisy of shamless brahmin officials, their relatives and friends. When politicians indulge in corruption, cheater brahmins are quick to protest, yet when their relatives and friends like nayanshree, guruprasad hathwar loot and exploit innocent harmless obc single women engineers of their hard earned money , the same hypocrite brahmin officials will rush to protect these cheaters.

If Girish Kodancha is not related to brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar who is now working in R&AW with a stolen resume of the obc engineer she cheated of more than Rs 1,1 lakh, he can get the posting removed on request,

Anti corruption / woman rights activist/ lawyer needed

Looking for an anti corruption or woman right activist or lawyer to help a harmless innocent single woman obc engineer and online exporter retrieve her retirement savings of twenty years which are allegedly held by a powerful governmemt official in India without a court order or legally valid reason.
Kindly note that though the single woman engineer has been subjected to an extremely malicious slander campaign based entirely on lies, even after 5 years of intense surveillance, these officials have not been able to find any concrete proof against the harmless innocent single woman engineer. Ex CBI, R&AW or IB officials who can help an innocent harmless single woman please contact.

Filing RTI requests has not helped the single woman engineer.
More details available at Personal Finance news

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Slavery in India flourishes in 2015

India may officially claim to be a democracy yet the mainly brahmin engineers and officials from India’s top engineering colleges treat their obc engineering college classmate a harmless innocent single woman worse than a slave. These cunning cowardly dishonest and powerful officials make up completely false stories to defame her without proof, ogle and sexually harass her for years, steal her retirement savings of twenty years and impressive resume for mediocre lazy greedy cheater goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, bsc sunaina, brahmin cheaters shivalli brahmin bangalore housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, greedy glamorous goan gsb riddhi and other frauds like asmita patel, veena, ruchika kinger to get all these mediocre greedy women permanent governmemt jobs allegedly in R&AW.

The single woman engineer has worked hard for more than twenty years yet due to slavery of brilliant obc professionals by shameless cruel fraud brahmin officials she does not seem to have a right to hard earned money. If these shameless fraud greedy officials had any proof against the innocent harmless obc engineer they could have given in writing . The brilliant obc engineer finds that she is being treated as a slave as CRIMINAL BRAHMINS who cheated her like the shameless lazy greedy gsb siddhi riddhi and shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree get credit for her revenues as reward for their crime of cheating an obc engineer . The obc engineer does not have the right to her hard earned money as the powerful fraud cowardly brahmins spread false rumors to justify their crime,

However being shameless greedy frauds with no morals or conscience the shameless top officials in the indian internet sector do not feel that they are doing anything wrong . Allegedly google, tata, paypal have instigated the top officials in the indian internet sector to treat the webmaster as a slave and waste infinite indian tax payer money to steal her savings and deny her fundmanental rights. Filing RTI request with the government including the department of financial services and RBi has not helped in any way,

Looking for a lawyer who has the courage to end the slavery of obc engineer by greedy shameles cruel fraud mainly brahmin officials. their lazy greedy relatives and friends in India in the indian internet sector.

The art of framing innocent obc engineers

The most powerful fraud officials in the indian internet sector have perfected the art of framing an innocent person, especially obc so that they can steal the impressive resume of the brilliant innocent obc engineer for their mediocre lazy greedy friends and relatives who are known cheaters and appoint these known cheaters to governmemt jobs .
They will put the obc engineer who they want to frame under surveilllance for years, so that they can predict every activity and take action to defame the person. Then these cunning frauds will use small incidents to falsely accuse the person of being a cheater. In some cases, the seller will be bribed or threatened to make false allegations

For example if a person will bargain, he or she will be accused of cheating or being a terrorist hoarding money to justify the theft of retirement savings . Everyone else can bargain without being labelled a cheater, only the obc engineer should pay whatever inflated price the shopkeeper demands. In other cases, the person may change his or her mind while shopping at a store, they may choose to purchase a different item after some time, depending on their immediate requirement. This will be used as proof that the obc engineer is a cheater. Only in the indian internet sector, change in shopping decision, will this be considered cheating . In other cases, if people make false accusations without proof , the obc engineer will be considered guilty without giving her a chance to defend herself,

On the other hand if the fraud relatives and friends of these powerful dishonest officials are proven cheaters, who have commited corporate espionage, injecting malware, stealing data daily, providing content which does not pass copyscape, making false claims that they are doing work, like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi and others, the same hypocrite officials will falsely claim these cheater friends and relatives are honest saints, who deserve to get governmemt jobs.

Why give greedy brahmin fraud nayanshree credit for obc engineers revenues

Why are the top officials in the indian internet sector such shameless ruthless frauds that they give the BRAHMIN CHEATER nayanshree credit for the revenues of the obc engineer she ruthlessly cheated? Why has the cunning greedy BRAHMIN FRAUD BBM nayanshree been pampered so much for looting the innocent harmless obc engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh.
Is it because the brahmin cowards and perverts, holding government jobs, who hide behind the cheater brahmin nayanshre have sexually harassed the obc single woman engineer for years
Or is it because the greedy fraud BBM nayanshree, her cowardly shameless cheater relatives and friends, especially her husband, guruprasad, former tata power employee, specialize in framing, defaming and filing false cases against innocent single women, to loot their hard earned money?
Why has the obc engineer not been given the chance to handle these false cases herself, who are strangers to take decisions on her behalf?
Or is because in 2015 India is nominally a democracy, actually it is controlled by SHAMELESS FRAUD CHEATER BRAHMINS WHO ARE REWARDED WITH IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR LOOTING, FRAMING OBC ENGINEERS and the cheater nayanshree has become the ROLE MODEL CHEATER FOR BRAHMINS ALL OVER INDIA

BRAHMIN FRAUD Nayanshree has refused to reply to the obc engineer she looted, and Bangalore cybercrime is not taking any action on the cheating complaint lodged by the obc engineer against nayanshree, then why falsely claim that the lazy greedy cheater nayanshree allegedly sponsored by google, tata, paypal is contributing to the revenues of the obc engineer and exporter?
When will the shameless greedy fraud brahmin officials in the indian internet sector stop associating their darling vvip fraud BBM nayanshree with the vulnerable obc engineer she ruthlessly looted ?

J attacking his classmate daily for his darling sunaina

It appears that the powerful cruel official J has been attacking his obc engineering college classmate daily at every opportunity to ruin her health so that his darling bsc sunaina, who he falsely claims to be his engineering colege classmate,he wants sunaina to become rich and powerful quickly and killing his classmates seems to be the quick way to do so . He has deputed an employee working under him to track the location of his classmate, then plan and attack her causing great pain, memory loss, headache and insomnia wasting indian tax payer money.

It appears that all the government officials including the home ministry blindly believe the lies of the powerful J that inexperienced lazy greedy slim goan call girl bsc sunaina is an experienced engineer, domain investor, webmaster and online exporter, In reality the lazy greedy sunaina has no engineering degree, has not spent a single paisa online and does not do any work. J has been wasting the most sophisticated government equipment to monitor his classmate’s laptops and then falsely claims that his darling sunaina has been doing all the work

Filing RTI requests with the government has failed to help, as the officials are convinced that the inexperienced goan call girl is the online expert and webmaster. Additionally the cruel sunaina’s relatives are also associated with agencies and they help j in attacking the obc engineer,

When will shameless top offficials in India behave responsibly?

It appears that the shameless fraud top officials in the indian internet sector are allegedly telling every Indian website that they are harassing an obc webmaster because she does not blog responsibly. Before accusing others they should first review how responsibly these shameless officials have behaved
how is stealing the retirement savings of a single woman engineer without a court order responsible action? How is rewarding blackmailers and extortionists for making false accusations without proof against the innocent obc engineer responsible action?
how is rewarding ruthless cheater goan diploma holder and call girl siddhi mandrekar for corporate espionage, cheating and lies about an obc engineer webmaster and domain investor with an important governmemt job, falsely claiming that the inexperienced goan call girl has the impressive resume of the obc engineer she cheated, an act of a responsible official
should the young greedy goan cheater siddhi not be punished for her CRIME why pamper her for her criminal activities with a top government job falsely claiming that the inexperienced cheater goan call girl has twenty years experience ?
is rewarding known FRAUDS like siddhi very responsible?
how is rewarding BRAHMIN cheater nayanshree for looting the obc engineer of more than Rs1.1 lakh with a governmemt job an action of a responsible official?
How is falsely claiming that inexperienced goan call girl bsc sunaina is a domain investor, online seller to get her a lucrative government job the action of a responsible official?
How is pampering and rewarding known cheaters like siddhi, nayanshree and harassing honest harmless webmasters for years without a valid reason an action of a responsible official,

When the harmless innocent obc engineer protest against the denial of fundamental rights, theft of her savings, pampering of shameless greedy BRAHMIN frauds like siddhi, nayanshree why do these shameless fraud officials spread rumors behind her back, Telling the truth about known cheaters like goan siddhi mandrekar and bangalore brahmin nayanshree will ensure that others do not fall victim to these greedy ruthless well connected frauds who are very good liars .

The statement regarding the fraud of siddhi and nayanshree are factually correct to a very great extent, if incorrect these ruthless cruel cheaters are free to file a defamation case or send in their version of the story. The fact that the ruthless shameless cheater goan call girl siddhi mandrekar or brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree has not bothered to deny that the information on the websites indicated that they know it will be difficult to deny the truth. Newspapers and magazines in india and elsewhere are reporting scams all the time and are not accused of behaving irresponsibly,

Responsible bloggers will ensure that information provided is factually correct, when will top officials in the indian internet sector behave responsibly and ensure that their inexperienced cheater girlfriends like siddhi, nayanshree have the experience, qualification, investment and skills which these fraud officials falsely claim that they have?

Indian Rupee falls to Rs 64/dollar

The indian rupee fell to less than Rs 64 a dollar, a tribute to the fact that India remains as corrupt and inefficient as before. The fraud powerful officials in india continue to waste tax payer money paying highly inflated salaries to goan call girls like obc bsc sunaina who sleep with them and brahmin cheaters like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi, siddhi mandrekar, falsely claimimg that these call girls and cheaters are exporters when they have no proof that these women are exporters.

When it is very apparent that these lazy greedy cheater women do not contribute to export in any way, the top officials in the internet sector in india show a singular lack of honesty and ethics when they continue to shower these vvip call girls and brahmin cheaters with great powers and lucrative governmemt salaries, They also waste their time and tax payer money spreading false rumors promoting the lazy greedy call girls and cheaters.

On the other hand a huge amount of indian tax payer money will be used to harass the real obc engineer and exporter whose resume has been stolen to appoint the mediocre call girls and brahmin cheaters to important governmemt jobs. India will be the only country in the world where a shivalli brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree who cheats an online exporter and engineer and diploma holder siddhi who committed corporate espionage on the exporter will be rewarded for their crime with top government jobs. there is a fundamental attitude problem which will not change.

These corrupt officials are confident that their fraud and lies will never be punished an indication of how poorly governed the country remains. Though the mainstream media may paint a rosy picture of the conditions in the country, the underlying problems remain, which allows well connected mediocre lazy greedy frauds to flourish, while honest hardworking citizens find life increasingly difficult and are denied their fundamental right. No one has the courage or honesty to recognize the fraud and continue to cover up